Pregação - Atraindo à presença de Deus no Bola de Neve Curitiba

15:50 Unknown 0 Comments

Nesta pregação comento sobre o quanto é importante atrairmos a presença de Deus. Precisamos cativar a presença de Deus e fazer o Senhor se agradar da nossa vida. Essa é uma serie de quatro partes sobre esse assuntos. Deus abençõe

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Campinas Trip!!

05:26 Unknown 1 Comments

Campinas Trip!!!

Neste ultimo final de semana estivemos viajando na cidade de Campinas- São Paulo Brazil, nos dias 15, 16, 17, 18.

Chegamos para o primeiro evento que ocorreu no Hammer Bar, onde já tocaram Caibal Corpse(USA), Gorgorth(GER), Alma e outras bandas. Fizemos um show onde sentimos um grande mover de Deus lá. Mesmo não havendo muita gente nesse primeiro show o Espirito de Deus eswtava lá. Vimos amigos que já tinham ido em shows passados lá que foram tocados por Deus em shows passados. Escultamos no show sempre gritando um grande amigo nosso que tem o apelido de "demonio" que se chamava Dimas que foi a pessoa que mais agitou no evento. Junto com ele estava Suely que era uma pessoa muito simpatica que trabalha como jornalista das bandas locais. Ao acabar o evento combinamos de sair juntos no outro dia para conversarmos e para nossa surpresa o "demonio" foi lá no nosso hotel. E saimos junto com Suzane e Michele que estava afastada de Deus haviam muitos anos. Vimos que neles brilhavam uma luz, porque Deus amava e ama muito a vida deles. Ficamos até horas da noite conversando e rindo com eles. Deus estava agindo na vida deles. No outro dia tinhamos um show para tocar no centro de Campinas, mas acabou não acontecendo porque o padre da igreja que tinha perto dali não queria que nós tocassemos, então o Bruno baixista da banda estava conversando com dois rapazes que foram pra ver a gente tocar, mais acabaram não vendo pela situção. Então convidamos pra eles irem na Assembleia de Deus a noite onde iamos tocar, e quando chegamos lá eles foram aceitaram a Jesus naquela noite. Forams dois cultos na Assembleia onde a presença de Deus estava muito forte lá.

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David e Judi Pierce no Brazil

05:07 Unknown 1 Comments

Um dos maiores previlégios que tive foi poder receber David Pierce aqui.
Ele esteve em 3 igrejas aqui ( Bola de Neve church, Congrega Church, Golgota Church).
Nesses dias que ele teve aqui foi na minha casa e pregou como se estive pregando para uma multidão e podiamos sentir o poder do Espirito Santo aqui.
Lembro -me que quando estive na Alemanha falei com ele e pedi oração para que eu pudesse ter essa unção que vem como tempestade e cai sobre as pessoas trazendo elas ao arrependimento.
E nesse ano recebo esse casal David e Judi Pierce que tranformaram meus amigos , familia e a igreja.
Tenho um amigo que colaborou todo tempo e foi impactado nesse tempo.
Vou colacar o news latter contando sobre as experiencias aqui. Sempre que lembrarem orem por esse casal abençõado que tem se disponibilizado para abençõar a vida de muita gente no mundo inteiro.(
David News latter
" Dear Friends
*Flavio had not been in a church for seven years and when he was there it was for his grandma's funeral. He works for an infamous singer who is a Black Metal Satanist who owns a CD shop. His boss was arrested in Sao Paulo for kicking an old woman in the head because she was passing out bibles on the street. He also has sacrificed live pigs on stage and is rumored to have killed people in Sao Paulo but was able to pay off the police. Flavio said his boss is willing to have him work for him because he never goes near churches and doesn't believe in Jesus. Jodi and I were excited to spend the day with Flavio. We told him it was no accident that we were together and that Jesus was reaching out to him. At the end of the day we prayed for him and his eyes were full of tears when we finished. He thanked us for praying for him and it was obvious that God was touching him.
He promised he would come the next day to hear me speak. I told him that he needed to also invite his brother Silmar who he said "liked to fight" and studies martial arts. "Make sure that your brother comes!" I said. He promised that he would invite him.
The next day I was speaking to a large group of mostly young adults in a warehouse converted into a church. Thiago (my translator) arrived just as the worship finished and I was about to be introduced. Thiago gave his life to Jesus two years ago when No Longer Music was playing at a club called "Joker". He was drunk and into some pretty dark stuff when I met him but Jesus dramatically saved him after our concert and now he was standing next to me on stage translating my preaching!!
As Thiago translated he would sometimes break down and cry he was so moved by God. It was a powerful night! Many people came forward and cried out to God after we spoke, to make fresh commitments to Jesus. After that, I invited those who had never given their lives to Jesus to meet us in a room in the back.
The little room was full as Thiago shared with them how he came to know Jesus and how God totally trans-formed his life. We all knelt and prayed together as those in the room asked Jesus into their lives. After that, people from the church talked individually with those who responded.
Flavio and his brother Silmar were also very touched and the Brazilian team we work with there are going to stay in contact with them. I am sure that they will both come to Jesus." David Pierce News latter

valeu galeraaa thankssssss

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Pregação Presidio CT2 Piraquara

16:38 Unknown 10 Comments

Nesse mês , tive uma das experiências mais maravilhosas de minha vida, de pregar em um presídio no Brazil em Curitiba no Paraná. O Presídio se chama CT2 (Piraquara), um dos maiores do estado. Lá funciona um grupo do Bola de Neve Church que faz o trabalho com os internos a quase um ano. Imaginei que seria um grupo pequeno de internos lá , mas estava cheio de presidiarios e familiares. No louvor já viamos a presença de Deus se manifestando grandemente lá. Deus havia colocado no meu coração a palavra sobre "Prisioneiros do Passado", O Espirito do Senhor fluiu naquele dia e mais de 30 pessoas acaitaram Jesus. Muitos pais perdoaram os filhos e os filhos pedindo perdão aos pais. Mesmo que muitas vezes imaginei que iria pregar somente para roqueiro e culturas ubanas Deus leva-nos a ir para além do que imaginamos. Ele quer que a gente siga mais longe. " Muitos presos lá dentro estão mais livres do que nós aqui fora que existem tantas coisas que fazem delas prisioneiras" Eles encontraram a graça e já estão livres e libertos em Cristo.

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Round Table 2006 - Freakstock Festival

16:12 Unknown 1 Comments

Die Gefährten pictures top On the four days of Freakstock we met more nationalities than on our previous three months of travelling. 24 nations were represented at the roundtable meetings, including all continents. We really succeeded in having the first global roundtable of underground ministries! The pic shows Fredi from Paraguay, Sam from Lebanon, Pastor Bob from USA, I from Brasil, David Pierse(No Longer Music) . Although we had some really good and challenging contributions during our talks what I enjoyed the most were the personal conversations during the breaks and the prayer time at the end. We finally met Wolfgang from DAWN, the guy who connected the Jesus Freaks with the people from Chile who started a christian music festival called Christock. Since some years he is working with churches in Indonesia and he could tell us a lot about what is going on there. Looking forward to meet them next year in Jakarta! During the prayertime we prayed that good will rise up leaders from and missionaries to the neglected nations of Asia and Africa. I truly believe (and Sam's experiences support this view) that there is a new generation evolving and existing already that is so modernised, globally influenced and rebellious towards their own societies traditions that it is possible to relate to them very easily and show them God's love without having to spend years learning about their language, their religion and their culture. All they need are some Freaks that are like them who carry Jesus in their hearts and are courageous enough to go out there and spend time with them. One thing really challenged me: Most people that were part of the roundtable we have met before. And those we didn't we had heard of or we found out while talking to them that we had the same friends. That is nice if you think about it as a family that stretches over the entire planet, but on the other hand it shows dramatically and clearly that we are very few people involved in serving God among the subcultures. And the need is so huge. A couple of years ago some of the leaders that were present thought they were the only people doing such a kind of thing. Now we have grown closer together, which is very good. But this whole thing needs to explode if we really want to make a difference. For more reviews of the Roundtable see the blogs of Andrew , Wolfgang, Ernsti (in German) - others will most likely follow. ====== MIRACLE TOUR 2006 (South America) pics ======

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